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10m 29sLength in seconds

There has been a mob spawn-time nerf recently - it has reduced the spot's efficiency to some extent, though it is still a very good spot. If you read the comments, other people have verified that the spot still yields 3-5k an hour easily (if done correctly - some people have used the wrong potion and wondered why the spot wasn't producing 6k / hour). So basically, the mobs used to respawn extremely fast, now they only respawn at the rate of normal mobs. There are other mobs in the area and there is an upper ledge with more mobs on it, as well as small packs in the surrounding area which can be killed if still waiting on respawn. I'd honestly say the spot's efficiency is still 80-90% of what it was before the slight 'nerf'. Enjoy My character: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/amanthul/Cilias/advanced