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As a lot of people seem to struggle with this matchup I thought I'd upload another video on it, this time showing the more safe build I used to go a while back. Instead of the Dorans ring ignite combo shown in recent videos which strive to get you on an even playing field, here I pretty much accept I will lose the lane but I will do it in a way which won't make me fall behind much. I rush tear and then DFG, and my runes are CDR/Lvl glyphs and movement speed quints. This means that I will be alright in terms of mana even if the enemy jungler steals our blue buff or our jungler does not want to give it to me for some reason, it also means I can generally Q farm longer and more safely, without running out of mana so I can always stun my opponent if needed. I focus on Q farming while stacking my tear up until I got a few levels under my belt and preferably a blue buff as well as at least fiendish codex, that's when I got enough power to start comboing my opponent. Thanks to my CDR/Lvl runes everything from Q farming to trading with my opponent becomes easier and more of an available option. So, in summary, rush tear and then Fiendish codex, focus on Q farming until you have a blue buff (or else you'll still run oom doing so), and simply await the moment when you get DFG, because then it's time to nuke everyone! That's the theory behind it anyway, and it usually works. This is the safest Veigar build I tend to go which still gives you quiet a bit of midgame damage without being completely lane winning reliant like Aggro Veigar. In this video I make quiet a few bad mistakes and in general my play is subpar during this game, but I suppose that's also an important thing to show, even if you make mistakes with this build you'll still eventually outscale your opponents and hopefully win the game. That is, until they get banshees veil... Thumbnail pictures: https://38.media.tumblr.com/42947191778cab9687dd0b5129341f48/tumblr_naa5nzVTAp1siltw7o2_500.png http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45146662