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Any new Compost pile needs to have plenty of Carbon rich "Brown" material. Newspaper and Cardboard can substitute for Leaves and Sticks if they are not readily available. Compost all your Coffee grounds, Banana peels, Egg shells and any other Garden or Kitchen scraps, this is your "Green material rich in Nitrogen. Any time you add "Green" material, also add heaps of leaves or shredded paper to keep a healthy balance. When in doubt add more "Brown" material. Meats, Bones and Cheeses can smell as they decompose attracting animals, so use them sparingly and break them up into tiny pieces, mixing them in with native soil and vegetable scraps to mask the odor. Keep your compost moist and turn it every few weeks to keep the air loving aerobic bacteria happy. Finished compost will smell like earth and can be added to the garden however you like. Mix it in with your soil, top the garden like mulch, or mix it with water for a liquid plant feed.