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Unique Maps are expensive because of scarcity and lucrative gains. This video provides tips for acquiring unique maps and their completion on the atlas. This video is part of a series: Detailed atlas mechanics and map drop rules EXPLAINED! With the gained knowledge you'll become an efficient mapper and able to device your own strategies for managing your map pool and exploring the atlas. This video is part of a playlist: Atlas & Map Pool guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ASGYch77sc&list=PLPh7YA_yDob43ZQZ4dF5W9j9DF5Euv-c7 *Currently under construction, since some video's are outdated* Information source on the path of exile website: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1714099 Special thanks to all persons who helped and enabled me to fact check video content. This playlist will contain: A guide to the atlas of worlds. How and when to use the shaper's orb and the cartographer's sextant. A guide to managing your map pool. How, when and where to roll maps. How to roll the cartographer's box. Path of Exile is a loot-based Action RPG by indie developers Grinding Gear Games on the PC. It's free to play and you can register for an account here: http://www.pathofexile.com/