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BAM BOOM BIPITY BOP! Summoner Name: Thorbanana and GrandpaGrape How to Play Poppy Poppy Guide. Poppy Tutorial. Poppy Ranked Game Masteries (page ) and Runes http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/21096789 I WOULD RECOMMEND HAVING AN MR PAGE FOR AP TOPS SUCH AS KENNEN BUT I AM POOR AND CANT AFFORD ANYTHING Build: 1. Start with Cloth 5 against Heavy AD opponents such as Riven and if anything else start with Regrowth for the early philo. 2. Philo and HOG (if you feel like you need the health and arn't csing well AND if you think you'll build a randuins) 3. Sheen 4. Trinity 5. Hextech Gunblade (the slow and lifesteal sustain are amazing) 6. Situational Items now (Shurelia to chase, Randuins for Armor and slow, QSS, IE, etc.) POPPY VS KENNEN Not an easy matchup but not bad either. Start with regrowth and CS. Just keep pace with kennen and farm well at your tower. Once you have your sheen you can being trading and win most exchanges. You will add more to your team mid game and MUCH more late game. Kennen is a fantastic champion but what Poppy does is unparalleled. There is no character that is as much of an anti-carry as Poppy. league of legends "League Of Legends (Video Game)" poppy ranked game vs kennen guide tutorial gameplay league of legends "League Of Legends (Video Game)" poppy ranked game vs kennen guide tutorial gameplay