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16m 34sLength in seconds

This is a game to try and improve your decision making Start with 20 points Choose one of the decisions I give you before the numbers come up Every time you make a decision that is not the best one subtract that amount of points from your total keep going even if you have negatives -1 point Not the absolute best decision, not a bad decision but one that may have made you or your team miss out on an oppurtunity to get slightly more ahead -2 points A Sizable error this decision could lead to you falling behind it could also lead to one of your teammates dieing this decision’s reward is too low for the risk a poor decision that could be improved apon -3 points Bad mistake that could lead to you and your teammate’s death. Or a very obvious bad choice from the situation that your in. reevaluatethe situation to consider why that’s a bad choice. -2 Points for no Choice You’ve basically done nothing doing nothing i just as bad as feeding. Making right decisions is important but being able to make them quickly is just as important If you have -10 Your a Brainless bronzie 0-4 Your a Decision Dunce 5-9 Your a Decision Dummy 10-14 Your average  15-19 Your a Delightful decision maker 20 Why is Yellowstar watching my videos? (Updates and after thoughts) This. Fucking. Thing. Took. So. FUckin. LONG Feed back is very much appreciated. I'm considering annotations do you think that would make this better? Anyway since I'm done this I'll be uploading another tonight I'll be streaming at Twitch.tv/donghuap today as well at 8-10 pm EST