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video uploaded from my mobile phone. check out www.fuchsialandscapes.com Hi folks, Here is a video of me trimming a Leyland cypress hedge. I recomend trimming them twice a year to keep on top of them and stop them growing out of control including the golden variety named' Castlewellian'. When forgotten about they quickly grow too tall and wide to manage. They even grow too wide over the course of their lives when they aren't trimmed back hard enough each occasion. If they're too large they are best fully removed for ecomnical/practical/safety reasons. In an ideal growth situation for x cupressusocyparis 'Leylandii' will reach 80ft tall and 50ft wide. In an amenity/ garden setting they usually snap with heavy wind when 25ft tall and rarely get a chance to grow any taller, so where is your car/house? you've got to ask yourself?!