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World Of Warcraft : Legion Gold making guide In this video we are looking at the loot recieved after a 10 hour goldfarm! Here what i got in 10 hours : 379 Bloods = 37.9 Bloods per hour 26 skystone 5 chaotic spinel 19 azsunite 11 Deep amber 5 Queen's Opal 8 Sangrite 80 Gem Chip 3 Maelstrom Sapphire 7 shadowruby 13 Furystone 2 Dawnlight 1 Pandemonite 7 Chaos Crystals 346 Arkhana 4 starlight rose 19 Foxflower 84 Fjarnskaggl 31 Dreamleaf 40 Aethril 105 Seeds 121 Felslate 110 Leystone 288 Cloth 75 Leylight Shard 147 Stonehide Leather 1 BOE EPIC : Cloak Of Martayl Oceanstrider item lvl 850 26k Stormscale 312k in stormscale 273k in other materials 585k gold in 10 hours Script: /run local t,b,s,i,q,l t=0 for b=0,4 do s=GetContainerNumSlots(b) for i=1,s do _,q,_,_,_,_,l=GetContainerItemInfo(b,i) if q then t=t+(TSMAPI:GetItemValue(l, "DBMarket") or 0)*q end end end print("Bags TSM-Marketvalue: "..(t/10000).."g") -For cheap games and wow-gametime visit: http://www.g2a.com/r/studen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/studenalbatroz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Twitter : twitter.com/studenalbatroz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/studenalbatroz/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Studen-albatroz-wow-gold-guides/560023437471813 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------