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Spring Lawn Care - Raking, Aerating & Top Dressing Although this small English garden in Norway is tiny, only 150 square metres, I've incorporated two small lawns into its design. They form the hearts of the West and East gardens and are a direct tribute to the front and rear lawns once so popular in England. I think the beautiful green grass provides a perfect backdrop and pleasing contrast to the blowzy cottage garden flowers I love. Apart from sound initial construction and regular mowing the most important lawn care procedures I use are Raking, Aerating & Top Dressing which I do as my main spring lawn care regime. The accompanying music, composed and played by me on my rather out-of-tune old piano, is called 'Norwegian Spring'. Christopher James Collyer http://engelskhage.com https://www.facebook.com/engelskhage https://twitter.com/engelskhage