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I'm at 390K now boiz. Watch me at twitch.tv/kartharsus I'm a reasonably bad Silver 2 player for S6 -- just started playing League of Legends this year. But I've had a couple of stompy games, and this was one of them. I focused really hard on the early game poke and missed a ton of CS, but rounded out the difference with a double kill. After I got levels and items, my farm got really good, but still mediocre for what ranked play could have been. (You should shoot for 100 cs / 10 minutes. I had around 50 at 10 and 150 at 20.) I know, I'm garbage-tier for not using ctrl+Q or any other spells -- same thing with pressing the shop hotkey. I just use my mouse because in my opinion it's less distracting than using my fingers and sometimes I goof up and press the wrong key. Try the lvl 1 lane with only your W. Living Hell. What's more -- once I popped my ultimate on accident by trying to ctrl+R and that's a really costly maneuver with champs like Karthus.