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⇒ 8 God Tier Top Laners: https://youtu.be/rA7cX3jreRI ✔ Enjoyed the video? Subscribe! : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=luigidragon ✔ STREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/luigidragon ✔ FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/luigidragonLoL ✔ TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/luigidragon ✔ DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=KPJU4LUQ4ZEGU 8/5/2014: This is somewhat outdated, atleast 90% of the things here are true. Objectives = Win Game After playing in a challenger team and getting ranked 4 in for 5s, you learn a shit load of things and you get a different perspective of jungling rather than solo queue. My word script file (not organized sry i lazy): 1. When you go in and gank a lane, push the lane. The reason it's effective is because the enemy laner loses a lot of creeps and your laner can go back and buy items. The enemy jungler might cover by going to the lane and taking experience but your lane you just ganked for will have an advantage 2. On the contrast, if the enemy wave is already pushing on your lane you might want to freeze it so they enemy loses a lot of creeps when they come back to lane 3. When one of your laner dies, you shouldn't be doing your jungle and doing those wraiths, there is free experience waiting for you at the lane as the creeps will just die from hitting your tower. Just don't push it as you'll want to try to freeze the creeps for your laner who died. 4. If you see the enemy jungler on the map heading somewhere and you suspect a gank and you know your stronger, come in the action. 5. Probably one of the best tips that I do is that I constantly look at the minimap and ping out any enemy that could possibly gank a lane. When im doing my creeps I do this all the time except when I have to smite my buffs. 6. If its like around 7:15 and you see the enemy is actually ganking a lane, its free game over one of his buffs if you know where he started 7. If a lane tells you the enemy's flash is down, that's safe to say you can blow your flash to gank him don't be afraid to since you know he can't escape. 8. Taking blue, now I'm not saying you should do this everytime but if you think you can do more with this blue take it. Do you feel your mid won't carry? Then it's time for you to take it and carry hard.= 9. If you see something (ie: aggression, a gank) happening and your near it, try to get to it as soon as possible and take out prime targets. If you can see a gank is coming to a lane (wards) then come to counter gank it. 10. Notice my positioning in team fights, I back out after I've soaked out a lot of damage or I flash out. I don't dive there carry and try to tank his damage, I'm more useful if I'm alive after the team fight is done. I don't die and say I tanked the enemy carry go do something I say I LIVE AND YOU GUYS CAN CLEAN UP! 11. Pinking dragon when you have the chance, buying a sight ward also everytime you recall is good as you'll want to have map vision most times up. 12. When you ace the enemy team, don't stand around DO SOMETHING TAKE BARON TOWERS ANYTHING GLOBAL GOLD OR MAP DOMINANCE! 13. Tax lane push to tower if both lanes are roamed 14. This situation is somewhat not common but if you go to a lane and maybe you wanted to gank or something but you see they recalled you can get some free damage on there tower. 15. If you know you can't get a gank off, might as well farm the jungle and obviously what I mean by this is that maybe the lane is warded, or you know you can't get a kill (experience works well with this) 16. Picking up your buffs when it spawns, this rule is most of the time in my head as I don't want my buffs to be taken if I perhaps away from it for a minute. 17. Jungler is top with there top, so perhaps it's safe to say do dragon if your around it since it will be a 3v4 it shouldn't be that hard to actually do it. 18. Advanced Tip: Although this requires great map awareness, if your low but you know you can't die as you look at the map and you see where everyone is, you can farm and tax lanes if you so please 19. ALWAYS LOOK AT YOUR MINIMAP STREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/luigidragon PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4d839970decd4709734630 SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=luigidragon FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/luigidragonLoL Legal Policy: http://www.riotgames.com/legal-jibber-jabber LOLKING: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/22403576#leagues