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NEW: Click here for the FAQ to have most of your questions answered and to here how it's working in other gardens: http://anoregoncottage.com/diy-garlic-mint-garden-insect-spray-testimonials-faqs/ When Jami's basil plants, trumpet vine, and green beans were being eaten alive by unseen bugs, she had to find an effective way to get rid of the pests. She couldn't use chemicals because some of these plants were herbs she used in cooking. But the organic remedies she tried simply didn't work. Combining several natural pest rememdies she'd read about, she created a Garlic-Mint Garden Insect Spray. It has just four ingredients: garlic, mint leaves, cayenne pepper, and a small amount of biodegradable dishwashing liquid. Go to her blog for the actual recipe and cooking instructions: http://www.anoregoncottage.com/homemade-garlic-mint-garden-insect-spray-really-works/ Jami sprayed it all over the plants and the first thing she noticed was it smelled good. Within two weeks the plants had noticeably improved. After a month they were back to full health. The bugs, whatever they were, had been driven away by the spray. (She never found any dead bodies.) Watch the video and then make a batch of spray for your garden. Get more great organic gardening ideas at www.AnOregonCottage.com.