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10m 11sLength in seconds

I bought a honeydew melon (binomial name: Cucumis melo) to eat and took out 50 of the 200+ seeds that were in the center for a germination trial. It was a regular honeydew melon from a supermarket which was never frozen at any point. These videos contain my scientific observations and commentary on the progress of growth from beginning to end. I didn't do things properly because in the beginning I was concerned more with experimentation and I was new to plant growing, so don't despair, at around day 40 things really start to turn around! There's a lot of death and drama along the way, but please understand that this is a learning process for me and I eventually get things right and learn a lot of lessons. By watching this series in its entirety, you will learn to avoid many of the mistakes I made with melon/vine growing and hopefully prosper with your own crops. My future plant growing series will not be as interesting because I won't be making these same mistakes, although I will recap the important pointers and explain why I'm doing things the way I do. Some viewers are turned off by the prospect of not having a "user manual to growing honeydew" where everything is perfectly optimized, so if you are looking to follow instructions to the letter, this series is not for you. Go here to see my entire honeydew playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWiEPkBTXi6sIGKu0XCLNuBz0dNqadnlk