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This is how I grow tomatoes using banana peels for potassium, eggshells for calcium and pet or human hair which adds sulfur and trace minerals to the soil. **If this was helpful to you don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe for more hobby farm videos. :) I started my tomato seedlings using the Praxxus55712 method. I filled plastic cups about 1/4 of the way with potting soil and planted my tomato seeds in there then as they grew I covered them up with more potting soil. The result is a very healthy tomato plant with lots of roots and a nice thick stem :) Sorry about the wind... I'm in the mid-west and it was particularly windy yesterday. Lets connect: Google+ https://plus.google.com/b/109604596382300121602/+SunnyHilltop/posts?pageId=109604596382300121602 Twitter https://twitter.com/Sunny_Hilltop Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Sunny-Hilltop-371681869698139/?ref=hl For business inquiries only: SunnyHilltop@outlook.com -Jess from Sunny Hilltop