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Alternative farming spot for Happy Hour Box since Fortress of Sandstorm's Cadets drop has been disabled. You can farm at-least 3 stacks on this spot (Luck-based). Steps: 1. get your farming buddy (or if you can use dual account, then DIY!). Your team must have one Lv45 - ML5 player (to secure that there are HHB loots) and a higher level char (Ml20-ML30 w/ +20 weapon) 2. designate a killer (preferably high dps) and a puller (tank) 3. Enter HDP H then run toward the Snailer boss. 4. Do some DPS until the boss has 10% or less HP. 5. Wait until the Snailer summons her egg. 6. The puller must pull the snailer away and then the dps must locate a decent spot (near most of the eggs) 7. Wait until the egg hatch and kill the snail swarm (1 min duration) 8. Reset the Snailer boss then repeat steps 3 to 8 until Happy Hour is done. 9. Enjoy Farming :) Featuring: 1. IamAcerha (TheMinionz) - Acerha of Galajuan 2. ShanaNicole (TheMinionz; formerly Kensha) - Balahura of Galajuan