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Froggen getting 300 minions in 20:01 minutes with Karthus on a Diamond 3 Game. [KR] Froggen 200분 300 미니언 At the end of the game Froggen had 421 minions in 27ish minutes Scumbag Froggen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY1Vf6ToaMk Do you have a worth to mention replay, either is amazing play or fail? Send it to us on: gamegridgr[a]gmail[dot]com Hope you enjoy. If you do, you can subscribe on our Channel for more League of Legends Videos! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/lQeOF Website: http://gamegrid.gamerexp.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/GameGridNet Twitter: http://twitter.com/GameGridNet