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Check out http://www.learntheleague.com/ebook to learn about my complete League of Legends book! All skillshots! I've spent a lot of time practicing AD Ezreal, but to my surprise I came to find I enjoyed AP Ezreal quite a bit more in favorable matchups. My only gripe with AP Ezreal is he's extremely easy to lock down in his lane due to his inability to effectively push or quickly farm. Very little is more frustrating than last hitting with AP Ezreal on minions that were pushed up to your tower with someone's AOE. I rarely mention items in these movies, but you'll notice I brought up Lich Bane. This has a huge impact on his power as an AP carry, as it effectively turns his 0.2 AP scaling Mystic Shot into a 1.2 AP scaling shot. Some Ezreal fans will wonder why I don't mention Sheen for AD, and it's because I'm not confident this is a very strong item by comparison to just working on your Infinity Edge early on. Let's get into my recommended builds. For the first time ever, I'm going to try to cover both AP and AD builds in here. ABILITY POWER CARRY (Solo Mid) Runes: Red Magic Pen, Yellow Mana/5, Blue/Quint Ability Power. Skill Order: W, then E, then Q, then prioritize R, W, E, Q. Summoners: Flash/Ignite. Items: Boots/Pots to start. Early items should be 2x Doran's Ring (for the mana regen and health), Sorc Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, generally in that order. Lich Bane next. Options at this point are Void Staff, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Deathfire Grasp. Zhonya's Hourglass is a great item to buy time until your next burst of abilities. While CDR is mathematically amazing for both AD and AP Ezreal, your goal is to burst your opponents down in one round. If you're just not going to be able to do that, consider CDR items. Make sure you get blue buff whenever possible. RANGED AD CARRY (Bot w/ Support) Runes: Red Attack Damage, Yellow Attack Damage or Armor, Blue Magic Resist, Quint Attack Damage. Skill Order: R, Q, E, W. I know there's some discussion on it (especially if you can't land Qs), but honestly, in most cases it's better to improve your Qs and your combo harass with E. The reduced cooldown on both Q and E have a big impact on your performance. Let's talk about W. Some players do max this first or second even as AD, the reason being that the Attack Speed reduction is very strong if you're in an auto-attack standoff with an opponent. If you do go this route, you *must* pay attention to your mana, as a single W will knock off up to ~15% of your mana pool (just under the cost of your ultimate). Summoners: Flash/Whatever. Ignite, Exhaust, Heal, Teleport are all fine. "But Ezreal has Flash already," you say. Flash is broken good and having two is better than one. (I frequently Flash/E for a huge distance gain) Items: Standard ranged AD getup. Boots/Pots or Doran's depending on whether your partner can keep you alive before you go back. First items Infinity Edge, Vampiric Scepter, and Zeal (usually around that order). Bloodthirster instead of IE in situations where the sustain is more important, but you'll still want IE later. Last Whisper if they build a lot of armor. Trinity Force is an ok item but you have to be genuinely good about kiting, and you have to get lucky on Phage procs to make it worth it. It doesn't add up damage-wise to Infinity Edge and the core AD setup, even on Ezreal. If people are going to stick on you like glue anyway, don't bother with Trinity.