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Game Guide to getting your 'Voidtalon of the Dark Star', "World of Warcraft". This guide contains current (18/05/2105) information about this mount, spawn locations, tips & tricks, technique, and my experience. Any further information on spawn points, that are undescovered, post your co-ordinates and a link to your screenshot in the comments. If you are using "TomTom" addon copy and paste these points, these are all known and confirmed spawn points over draenor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /way Frostfire Ridge 51.1 19.86 /way Frostfire Ridge 52.4 18.18 /way Frostfire Ridge 53.8 17.46 /way Frostfire Ridge 47.7 27.57 /way Nagrand:Draenor 40.5 47.6 /way Nagrand:Draenor 44.01 30.67 /way Nagrand:Draenor 57.3 26.7 /way Spires of Arak 36.43 18.3 /way Spires of Arak 47.0 20.1 /way Spires of Arak 50.4 6.1 /way Spires of Arak 60.8 11.23 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 41.9 75.7 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 43.2 70.02 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 48.7 69.9 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 49.6 71.6 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 50.9 72.5 /way Shadowmoon Valley:Draenor 51.68 74.85 /way Gorgrond 51.6 38.8 /way Gorgrond 54.0 45.8 /way Gorgrond 56.0 40.7 /way Gorgrond 43.3 34.2 /way Talador 39.88 55.61 /way Talador 46.26 52.56 /way Talador 47.16 48.82 /way Talador 52.14 41.13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're comaping make sure your mouse is hovering over the point where the portal spawns! Macro for mouse over event (No one told me a similar macro had already been created, but this is my one and the one I used): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /run local A,B,C=CreateFrame("frame",UIParent);B="0";A:SetScript("OnUpdate",function() local D=GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText(); if (D=="Edge of Reality" and B=="0") then print(date(),D,"Found"); PlaySoundKitID(9378); if not C then B=0;end end end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN COPYING THE MACRO over some parts will be hyphenated, for some odd reason, which need fixing manually: On the first line there is a hyphen in "UIPa-rent" remove it so it is: "UIPa­rent" Next hyphen is on the second line in "­-OnUpdate" remove is so it is "­OnUpdate" The macro only needs to be ran once, it will then check all updated tooltips, if it reads, "Edge of Reality" it'll play a sound and paste the date and time of sighting in your general log. The portal opens instantly after the weekly restart is complete and is only around for a short period until it de-spawns and presents itself to the next lucky soul in an hours time. WowHead link to mount: http://www.wowhead.com/item=121815/voidtalon-of-the-dark-star